Craftsmen, engineers and artists, students, academics and professionals from Greece and the Balkans, meet at the old cobbled pathway that leads to the bridge of Plaka.
Craftsmen apprenticeship – Plaka Camp: 9/9 – 31/10 2 months of work and training on the traditional craft of the “kalderimi”
Stone Masonry Workshop – Plaka Workshop: 16 – 27 /10 12 days of practice and theory on stone building
This project consists in the restoration of the old cobbled pathway that leads to the Plaka Bridge. The works will take place during the autumn of 2019, while in the same time, the reconstruction of the bridge itself will be reaching completion. The cobbled pathway, which is 400m long and was partially reconditioned during the last year’s Stone Masonry Workshop, has suffered major alterations and severe damages during the past decades, and has been largely forgotten in favor of a recently constructed path, stretching across the bank of Arachthos River. If the above describe the troublesome nature of the present condition, they also imply our project’s deliverables: the old cobbled pathway, fully functional, in its authentic form.
The emphasis on the educational process and the need to complete the project in time, led us to the combination of two different approaches and two different scales of operation. Namely:
A two-month apprenticeship (Plaka Camp), addressed to young professionals of the building sector, who will be working under the guidance of three experienced masons—tutors, and will receive daily compensation.
An intensive twelve-day workshop (Plaka Workshop) which aims at a wider audience (engineers and artists, students and professionals), which will be held during the last two weeks of the Plaka Camp.
The Municipality of North Tzoumerka, the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE-TCG) and the Western Macedonia Department of the TCG, stand as co-organizers of this project, which is officially supported by the Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center (MIRC) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).
(A) Two-month apprenticeship – Plaka Camp
For the extensive two-month apprenticeship, nine (9) positions are opened, for professionals under the age of 45 years: six (6) of these positions are to be occupied by craftsmen who are presently active in the region of Epirus, and three (3) are earmarked for professionals from other Balkan countries. The trainees will be provided accommodation near the working site and a compensation of 30 euros per day (1050 euros in total net salary).
The selection criteria can be described as follows:
MOTIVE OF PARTICIPATION and LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT. The two-month apprenticeship refers solely to professional craftsmen who are already involved in the construction field.
The professional experience on stone structures and traditional building techniques will be taken into account, as well as any participation in similar workshops and trainings.
The trainees must be under 45 years of age
This call is addressed to craftsmen from all over Greece and the Balkans; although, concerning the six (6) positions for Greek participants, priority will be given to local residents of Tzoumerka and the broader region of Epirus.
Trainees will be distributed along the old pathway into three working groups (of three members), each team working under the supervision of one experienced mason—tutor, who will be in charge. The construction and training process will be headed by Kostas Tarnanas from Pentalofos (Kozani, Greece), one of the most renowned stone masons in Greece; while next to him will be the highly experienced stone—masons Yorgos Anastasiadis from Amygdaleonas (Kavala, Greece) and Dimitris Fotis from Koukoulia (Epirus, Greece).
(B) Twelve-day stone masonry workshop – Plaka Workshop
For the twelve-day stone masonry workshop, twenty seven (27) positions are opened, for participants from Greece and abroad (students and professionals, engineers, researchers, artists). Nine (9) of these positions will be offered to participants from the Balkan countries as a full scholarship, on behalf of the Headley Trust, which is partially funding the training.
18 participants from Greece and abroad
9 participants from Balkan countries
Moreover, three (3) places for volunteers are opened. Volunteers will be provided room and board (breakfast, elevenses and two meals) for the twelve days of the Stone Masonry Workshop. More specifically, Boulouki calls for two (2) prefects and one (1) interpreter (Greek—English), to assist in the implementation of the project on the field, as well as in lectures, cultural activities and excursions. The knowledge of both English and Greek is considered necessary for all three positions, while the knowledge of other languages will be taken into account. As a necessary precondition for applying for a volunteer position, is having attended a Boulouki workshop in the past.
2 volunteers from Greece (one interpreter and one prefect position)
1 volunteer from the Balkans (one prefect position)
During these twelve days, participants will be distributed in the three working groups which will already be on the field and work alongside the nine professional apprentices, under the guidance of the masons—tutors. Also, during this time, trainees of both programs will have the chance to be introduced in various approaches of craftsmanship as a distinct and multifaceted form of knowledge, through lectures of practical and theoretical content, delivered by respected academics and renowned professionals from the fields of construction and restoration; as well as through visits at historic places, practical demonstrations and cultural activities. Among the distinguished lecturers who will honor us with their presence are:
Manolis Korres, Emeritus Professor in History of Architecture in the NTUA
Panagiotis Touliatos, Emeritus Professor of the National Technical University of Athens, Professor and President of the Department of Architecture, University of Frederick
Vasilis Ganiatsas, Professor in architectural design & theory of architecture, director of Architectural Form and Orders Lab in the NTUA
Yorgos Smiris, assistant Professor in history of architecture in the University of Ioannina
Nikos Katsoulakos, PhD Mechanical Engineer, Post-doctoral researcher M.I.R.C.
Aeneas Oikonomou, PhD Architect
Maria Mpalodimou, Architect MSc, PhD candidate NTUA
Christos Giannelos, Civil Engineer MSc, PhD Candidate NTUA
Christos Takos, Architect MSc
Spiros Mantas, Independent Researcher
Panagiota Andrianopoulou, Ethnologist – Head of Collections, Research and Documentation of Folk Art, Museum of Modern Greek Culture, UNESCO ICH Facilitator
2month craftsmen apprenticeship | Plaka Camp
9 September — 31 October 2019
Monday — Friday, 08:00 – 16:00
Accommodation Included
Compensation of 30 euros / day
Full attendance of the 12day workshop
Applications deadline: 22 August 2019
12day stone masonry workshop | Plaka Workshop
16 — 27 October 2019
18 participants from Greece and abroad
9 participants from Balkan countries
Participation fee (including room and half board )
500 euros
350 euros, for students and unemployed
2 volunteers from Greece (one interpreter + one prefect position)
1 volunteer from the Balkans (prefect position)
Application deadline 8 September 2019
for more info click here