Official name: Hrvatska / Croatia
Official language(s): Croatian
Official script: Latin
Monetary unit: kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa)
Population: 4.437.460
Capital city: Zagreb (779, stuff 145 inhabitants)
Political organisation: Multi-party parliamentary republic
Total area: 87.661 km2
Total land area: 56.594 km2
Surface area of territorial sea and interior sea waters: 31.067 km2
Coastline: 5.835, ailment 3 km
Length of the coastline -land only: 1.777, medicine 3 km
Length of the coastline - islands: 4.058,0 km
Number of islands, solitary rocks and reefs: 1.244; the largest islands are Cres and Krk; there are 47 inhabited islands.
Climate: The climate of Croatia varies from Mediterranean along the Adriatic coast to continental, inland. The coastal areas have hot, dry summers and rainy winters yet the inland areas are cold in winter and warm in summer. The coast benefits from refreshing winds in the summer and the mountain ranges shield them from bitter winds in the winter. Sea temperatures never fall below 10 degrees in the winter and in August it can be as high as 26 degrees, due to warm currents flowing north up the Adriatic coast. In spring and early summer a sea breeze keeps the temperature down along the coast. This breeze that usually starts around 9am is perfect for sailing. The islands benefit from up to 2715 hours of sunshine a year, the sunniest being Hvar.
Rivers: Sava, Drava, Dunav, Mirna, Raša, Zrmanja, Krka i Cetina, ...
Mountains: Dinara, Kamešnica, Biokovo, Velebit, Plješivica, Velika Kapela, Risnjak, Svilaja, Snježnik ...
Highest peak: Dinara (Mountain Dinara) - 1,831 m
Lakes: Plitvice Lakes (a chain of 16 lakes with the river Korana as the effluent), Red and Blue Lakes near Imotski (unique karst phenomena), a cryptodepression Vrana on the island of Cres, freshwater lake Vrana, ...
Man-made lakes: Lokve and Bajer in Gorski Kotar, Trakoš?an in Hrvatsko Zagorje and Peru?a along the river Cetina in Dalmatia
Largest lake: Vransko Lake, near Biograd - 30 km2
Larger cities: Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Zadar, Šibenik, Dubrovnik, Karlovac, Sisak, Varaždin, ...
Sources: (Hrvatski homepage od 1994 / Croatian homepage since 1994)